Thoughts from Our Associates

March 14, 2017
The Challenge of Truth in Reporting
By Anna-Marie Ashton
A Book Review of Insane Clown President: Dispatches from the 2016 Circus by Matt Taibbi, and Liberty and the News by Walter Lippmann.
“There is everywhere an increasingly angry disillusionment about the press, a growing sense of being baffled and misled; and wise publishers will not pooh-pooh these omens.”
Walter Lippmann, 1920
It is totally cliché to take a quote from what seems like a hundred years ago and show how prescient it is, and how it still applies to this very day. It is also cliché to defend the use of a cliché by arguing that clichés speak to underlying truths; for example, that history repeats itself.

March 14, 2017
Change the Story, Change the Future
By Dana Penrice
Earlier in January, I had the pleasure of attending a lecture and a small group discussion at the University of Alberta with David Korten, the cofounder of Yes! Magazine and author of many books on the Human Venture reading list including Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth and The Great Turning from Empire to Earth Community.

January 22, 2017
Sy Montgomery
By Natalie Muyres
The Soul of an Octopus and Birdology bring you close to the animals that Sy Montgomery, a naturalist, so carefully observes. Birdology is an wonderful exploration of bird intelligence and their abilities. Some birds can fly for thousands of kilometres at a time! The learning and adaptation that octopuses are capable of eliminates any thought of them lacking intelligence. The Soul of an Octopus shows that octopuses may have small brains but have huge problem solving capabilities, like changing shape and colour to hide from predators. They are endlessly curious and learn from their experiences.

January 15, 2017
The Hidden Life of Trees
By Dana Penrice
As we come to terms with human caused climate change and our ecological impact, we are re-awakening to an understanding of ourselves as part of nature’s unfolding processes. As we think about what lies ahead for future generations, it can be daunting to begin to unravel the converging challenges we face.
While looking to the current state of affairs in our politics or the economy can lead one down a disheartening path, The Hidden Life of Trees offers a bit of respite through an enlightening reflection on just how much we humans have to learn from forests.

December 20, 2016
2016 Solstice Reflection
By Ken Low
The solstice season is here again: one of two seasonal turning points in our 940 million kilometer journey around the sun. Solstice holiday celebrations, like most cultural traditions, contain a mix of meanings from superficial to profound. Ideological, commercial and entertainment interests harness the season for their own limited purposes, but the opportunity to search out deeper meanings is almost always present.

December 18, 2016
Reading for Life Learning
By Natalie Muyres
The winter brings us darker and colder days and nights. I love this time of year because it gives me the opportunity to read more, reflect on my learning and plan the year ahead. Reading is a critical part of our learning process.

November 10, 2016
Human Learning Ecology in a Time of Unrest
By Dana Penrice
As we are sorting through the recent events in America, it is important to recognize that this is a significant source for learning and reflection, and an important time to pause to take stock of the situation and to learn. As a community involved in Human Learning Ecology, we have some amazing principles and resources to draw on to guide