Thoughts from Our Associates


Featured image for “An Opportunity for Civilizational Change”
April 30, 2020

An Opportunity for Civilizational Change

By Elizabeth Dozois
“There seems little doubt that we are currently in the midst of one of the great critical transitions of the human journey, and yet it is not at all clear where we will end up once our current system resolves into a newly stable state.”  (Jeremy Lent1) “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” (Winston Churchill) While incredibly challenging
Featured image for “Deep Voices”
April 23, 2020

Deep Voices

By Kim Rowe
I was inspired to write this poem after an Alumni Community Call, reflecting on the voices we pay attention to in order to understand current events and possible paths forward. It is quieter now. Listen. Do you hear the deep voices? Not the voices of people or current events, Not convention, authority, or habit voices,  Not rules, the majority, or
Featured image for “The Upside of COVID-19: What Gifts Does the Global Health Crisis Offer?”
March 17, 2020

The Upside of COVID-19: What Gifts Does the Global Health Crisis Offer?

By Elizabeth Dozois
Do you find yourself tearing up when you see videos of people singing to one another from their balconies? Are you moved by the multiple acts of kindness and solidarity we’ve seen over the past few weeks?  Disasters bring enormous suffering, anxiety and chaos – but they also bring some vital gifts: They wake us up from the slumber of
Featured image for “Recommended Reading from 2019”
January 15, 2020

Recommended Reading from 2019

By Ken Low
The following list of books includes those that were either drawn on in 2019 to support our on-going explorations and programming or were acquired in recognition that they filled a gap and could be useful in the future. There is some overlap with 2018 selections and a few that were acquired to be read in 2020.   I have read many
Featured image for “Why Pay Attention to This”
January 11, 2020

Why Pay Attention to This

By Laura Kennett
There is a lot of messed up stuff going on in this world and it’s overwhelming to think about it, let alone do anything about it.   It’s so much easier to retreat into a life of hustling to submit that annual performance review, rushing to recreational hockey games, and shopping for that special outfit to make a splash at the next social event. These are some
Featured image for “Winter Solstice Message 2018”
December 21, 2018

Winter Solstice Message 2018

By Ken Low
The winter solstice is upon us, or more accurately, we’ve arrived at the solstice once again. The winter solstice is the point when the changing elevation of the noonday sun stops its downward course, appears to pause then begins to climb again. The change occurs slowly – almost imperceptibly – at first, then picks up speed. As the sun climbs
Featured image for “Poetry from Another Part of the Capitalist Machine”
December 18, 2018

Poetry from Another Part of the Capitalist Machine

By Human Venture
by Anonymous This is a collection of poems from someone named Xu Lizhi. He was a Chinese migrant worker who worked at Foxconn corporation.  Foxconn is one of the pillars of our western society. It manufactures many of our smart phones, computers, monitors, televisions, videogame systems, and other electronics. A lot of the high tech stuff that we personally value, and that
Featured image for “On Either Side of Memory”
November 11, 2018

On Either Side of Memory

By Ken Low
Memory is a critically important part of adaptive intelligence. The function of memory is to record and store relevant aspects of experience and observation, providing the material out of which we construct the lessons that guide our actions and further learning. Some lessons come almost automatically, like not touching a hot stove, some require a mentor or instructor, and others
Featured image for “Inoculating Ourselves Against Ignorance”
November 10, 2018

Inoculating Ourselves Against Ignorance

By Natalie Muyres
We recently kicked off our ninth Human Venture Leadership Alumni Program. The Alumni Program provides us an opportunity to support each other’s learning, and work harder toinoculate ourselves against ignorance. Like our immune systems need exposure to viruses to create antibodies, our community requires ongoing exposure to a steady diet of significant life challenges and great adaptive resources as a
Featured image for “The Mystery and Mastery of Strategic Thinking”
November 7, 2018

The Mystery and Mastery of Strategic Thinking

By Dana Penrice
There is a show on Netflix called Churchill’s Secret Agents: The New Recruits. The reality show takes people from today and puts them through the Special Operatives Executive (SOE) training implemented by the British during WWII. Imagine pulling on your itchy wool socks and heavy felted uniform to master the art of using a hair pin to pick a lock,