Deep Voices


A view from Kim’s window, as she reflected on the pandemic, west of Calgary, March 2020. Kim was inspired to write this poem after an Alumni Community Call, reflecting on the voices we pay attention to in order to understand current events and possible paths forward.

by Kim Rowe

It is quieter now. 
Listen. Do you hear the deep voices?

Not the voices of people or current events,
Not convention, authority, or habit voices, 
Not rules, the majority, or even your inner voice.

The deep, soft voices are lower,
Below the surface, beneath opposition.

The buried voices of reason, of ideals, of history,
Whispers of underlying systems, foundations,
Tales of future events, rooted in current
But beyond, wiser,
Calls of humanity, of life, creation.

Stop. Listen to the deep voices,
They have much to share.
Required lessons.
They convey what we need to learn, 
Name barriers limiting our wisdom.

Hope is not a method, nor a feeling
Hope is an action, an active choice
But not enough.

We are not separate
There’s no free pass or get out of jail card
We are all together now.

This moment is our stress test,
For ourselves, our families, our groups,
Systems, societies, cultures
The evaluation of humanity.

Your colour, status, passport, riches matter not,
Will not cheat the exam.

Will we hear and heed the deep voices?
Or fall back to statements of habit, routine,
Cries of the everyday, the shallow currents?

Will we embrace the pause, hear the calls?
Manage to change our course?
Do what is needed?
Pay now to get a later?
Listen, learn, and reconsider our path,
There is no safe status quo.
Risks abound in all directions,
Limits, barriers, and counterforces.

Will we attend the deep voices?
Let them guide us to realign with life and reality?
Will we awaken and learn what they murmur?

Stop humans. Listen. Learn and think.
Critically consider, why do you believe?
We must mind the pause, listen deeply, learn forward, together.

Kim has been Human Venturing in various ways since completing the program in 2003/2004. She works as a Community Development Officer for the provincial government, supporting non-profit and government sectors with planning, governance, and community building. She has been building her family, community, home, and life in the foothills west of Cochrane, Alberta for over two decades.
