In response to multiple requests from the Human Venture community, Elizabeth Dozois has published a kids’ book! Kid Power! features our community’s own Ken Low, and is loosely based on his experiences with the Can Do program, where he developed high-impact learning activities for kids. Ken had such a charming way of bringing out kids’ curiosity for the way things work which … Read More
Alumni Profile – Sami Berger
What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful to you? My most significant engagements: Make me feel a sense of wonder or connection to the planet. Most of this happens through travelling, being close to nature, and observing animals in the wild. Show me how little I know about most things. This often happens … Read More
Alumni Profile – Nick Kalogirou
1. What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful to you? I have been lucky in my life to be part of a close, caring, mutual support community. Especially over the last 10 years, this community has given me the opportunity to consistently strive across many domains. The close relationships around me have both … Read More
Community Profile: Amanda Hall
Amanda Hall is an alumna of the Leadership Calgary program. She is one of six finalists competing for a million-dollar Women in Cleantech prize. 1. What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful? Balance is important, and so the most significant engagements in my life are spread out between my family/friends, my company, my health and … Read More
Graduation Address to the Class of 2018 at Queen Elizabeth High
To the class of Queen Elizabeth High, the teachers and parents assembled here, congratulations! I very much appreciate you having me, a humble filmmaker, share some of my observations of life. I, too, am in the midst of a transition both exciting and terrifying. Three months ago my son was born five weeks premature but luckily with a strong set … Read More
Alumni Profile: Hadeel Qazzaz
1. What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful? As a woman who was born and raised in a war-torn country with strong patriarchal structure, heavy political engagement, and controlled by strong traditions and cultural affiliation, my strongest affiliation is my motherhood and commitment to my children’s well-being, followed almost immediately by a strong … Read More
Alumni Profile: Eleanor Finger
1. What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful? Right now, I feel like most of my time is taken up with engagements that are of very little significance to my own and humanity’s development. But even being able to realize that is an indicator of the impact Human Venture Learning has had on … Read More
Alumni Profile: Buffy St. Amand
1. What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful? The most significant engagement for me right now is raising our twins to be caring, resilient and curious about life and the world we live in. Parenting is the hardest job in the world…nothing prepares you for the joy and the challenges it brings. It … Read More
Alumni Profile: Chris Hsiung
1. What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful? Currently, my most significant engagement is producing documentary film. Hidden Story Productions has grown from a little side project to something that has become central to my learning journey. I find the entire process of making a film tremendously rewarding. From exploring stories, researching topics, … Read More
Alumni Profile: Scott MacDougall
Involved with Human Venture Leadership since 2011, Scott MacDougall has been a participant, a guide, and a program team member. He shares his learning adventures with us this month. 1. What are the most significant engagements in your life, and why are they meaningful? Parenting is probably number 1 right now, for a bunch of reasons. Having kids who … Read More
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