Thoughts from Our Associates


Featured image for “Recommended Reading: 2024 Book List”
February 24, 2025

Recommended Reading: 2024 Book List

By Dana Penrice
Each year, The Human Venture publishes a curated list of books and other resources. This isn’t just a collection of recent releases. This list includes works that have been flagged as important for understanding the development of the human venture—supporting our collective flourishing while countering paths that lead to cultural decline. These resources have informed our ongoing explorations and programming
Featured image for “2024 Winter Solstice Reflections”
December 21, 2024

2024 Winter Solstice Reflections

By Laura Kennett
Today marks the official Winter Solstice and is the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere, with the fewest hours of daylight. For our Human Venture community, it is a season where we pause and make time for personal reflections. This year, we asked members of the community, “What does the Winter Solstice mean to you, your learning,
Featured image for “Mapping the AI Territory – Intelligence”
October 19, 2024

Mapping the AI Territory – Intelligence

By Natalie Muyres
The concept of intelligence is commonly understood as the ability to acquire knowledge and / or skills, and, to learn and understand one’s environment or situation. According to ChatGPT, intelligence is also associated with problem solving, adapting, reasoning, and perceived and interpreted sensory input.
Featured image for “Israel-Palestine Conflict Resource List 2024”
October 18, 2024

Israel-Palestine Conflict Resource List 2024

By Dana Penrice
What lies at the feet of humanity today is the work of learning to address our species’ most pernicious and destructive tendencies. This is an invitation to pick up that work and grapple with some difficult questions.  Why do countries find themselves in conflict and what is an appropriate way to manage it? Why are states compelled to act in self-interest at the expense of the humanitarian rights they espouse?
Featured image for “Reflections on October 7th and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”
October 12, 2024

Reflections on October 7th and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

By Dana Penrice
Even if you haven’t been paying close attention to the news, October 7th should still stand out as a day to pause and reflect. It has been one year since the Hamas attack on the Kibbutzim in Israel and the escalation to a new level of offensive on the Palestinian people. October 7th, similar to September 11th, will now likely be marked annually to solemnly remember the deaths and hostages taken in the attack on Israelis.
Featured image for “Artificial Intelligence Resource List 2024”
May 28, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Resource List 2024

By Natalie Muyres
The number of books and resources about artificial intelligence is slightly overwhelming, seems to be growing exponentially, and once a book or article is published it can quickly become outdated to some degree depending on the topic and related advancements in AI.
Featured image for “Is Humanity Ready for the AI Revolution?”
May 28, 2024

Is Humanity Ready for the AI Revolution?

By Natalie Muyres
Are you ready for the AI (artificial intelligence) revolution? What does readiness mean? What is a revolution? What is responsible AI? At the Human Venture Institute we’ve been considering these questions and what a future transformed by generative AI looks like. 
Featured image for “Recommended Reading: 2023 Book List”
May 15, 2024

Recommended Reading: 2023 Book List

By Dana Penrice
The Human Venture publishes a list of books and other resources annually. The list includes books that were either drawn on through the year to support our ongoing explorations and programming or were acquired in recognition that they filled a gap and could be useful in the future. The Human Venture community has read (or re-read) all of the books
Featured image for “2023 Solstice Message”
December 20, 2023

2023 Solstice Message

By Natalie Muyres
On December 19, 2023 the Human Venture met virtually and in-person to celebrate the winter solstice, a tradition for many years now. It provides our community the time to reflect and discuss the year gone by and the years to come. 2023 was an especially meaningful Solstice as it was the first without Ken Low. Steacy Pinney hosted us in
Featured image for “Thinking about organizational design and the Human Venture”
June 15, 2022

Thinking about organizational design and the Human Venture

By Dana Penrice
What are the consequences of using the machine as a metaphor for an organization? When I think about this, I think about the pressures of outputs, the overwhelming feeling of trying to keep up, and the inevitable burnout. I think about simplified linear logic models of A + B + C = D. I think about specialized roles and how