Part 2: People in Converging Crises

Laura KennettArticles

George Floyd protest in Grand Army Plaza June 7, 2020. Image: Rhododendrites, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons by Laura Kennett I wrote Part 1 of this article, Systems in Converging Crisis, in the spring, when I listed an array of crises that are intensifying around us, including: Now we have entered summer in the northern hemisphere and this list is … Read More

Part 1: Systems in Converging Crises

Laura KennettArticles

by Laura Kennett We are not only in the midst of a global pandemic; we are also experiencing a convergence of several global crises that are shedding light on glaring weaknesses in our systems, including:  Global climate change,  Global oil market collapse,   Global fracturing of truth in social media, and  Global rise in right-wing movements.  What kind of a cluster f&#% … Read More