2023 Report to Community

Natalie MuyresUpdates

“When you don’t know what to do, you know what to do – you learn.”

Ken Low, 1943-2023

I can’t think of a quote that has compelled our community more than the one on the cover page from Ken Low, founder of the Human Venture Institute and Human Venture Leadership. As with every year, 2023 was filled with learning. It was also a time of grieving following Ken’s death on February 27, 2023.

We held a magnificent celebration of life for Ken at Fort Calgary in April, an opportunity to reconnect with so many people whose lives had been shaped by the learning they had encountered through him. It was special. I don’t have words to describe how special it was but we do have pictures to share.

And then as Ken would have encouraged us, we kept going.

Continue reading the annual report here.